Retail AI

Create an elevated instore experience by

inspiring shopping in outfits

Retail AI

Create an elevated
instore experience by
inspiring shopping in outfits

Start scrolling to discover

In-store interactive shopping experiences

Empowering every associate to be a stylist

Generating outfits is a fun and engaging way to speak to your customers, inspire their purchases and increase the basket size.

Mobile App Marketing

For fans of Content Marketing and Influencer Marketing: experience how Pronti’s personalized outfit creation elevates your brand

Get recommended in the Pronti Outfit Maker consumer app.

Pronti recommends retailers items in a hyper-personal experience that drives conversions.

When a Pronti user views your retail item, they can immediately visualize how they will wear it using the items they have in their closet. It's a personal suggestion that resonates deeply.

Our users are waiting for your items!

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Retail clientelling Solutions

The power of a customer’s closet in store

Customers can walk in store with their entire closet, favourited items, and engage in an outfit shopping experience.

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create engaging instore experiences

Discover new audiences and engage with loyal customers

Increase basket size

create engaging instore experiences
Discover new audiences and engage with loyal customers
Increase basket size

create engaging instore experiences

Discover new audiences and engage with loyal customers

Increase basket size